NewsBusters provides the transcript from The View:
Ryan's Reaction:JOY BEHAR: There’s a couple of bills pending in Virginia. One of them is that women will be required to undergo sonograms, ultrasound when they are about to have an abortion and the other one is that if a heartbeat isn’t detected, then they will get a trans-vaginal ultrasound which is basically going into the vagina and very intrusive. Now, there is no — as far as I can tell there is no other Procedure including MRIs and cancer treatments that are mandated. This is- would be a mandated treatment for girls who are pregnant to see the child, the infant, the fetus-BARBARA WALTERS: The fetus.BEHAR: -whatever it is at that point, before they get the abortion and if they can’t hear a heartbeat then they will have to undergo an ultrasound vaginal sonogram which I had one of those. I had one of those because I had benign tumors on my ovaries a few years ago and it was extremely intrusive and invasive.ELISABETH HASSELBECK: It’s uncomfortable. I agree with you.BEHAR: It’s like, what are we? What is this, the Taliban now? What are we, in Afghanistan? Where are we exactly in this country?
Joy Behar calls the mandate to force
women who chose to get an abortion to have an ultrasound comparable to the Taliban and living in Afghanistan. Let's
take a look at how this could possibly be evil shall we. First what are the
possible positions to take on abortion:
- It is a life and it is okay to kill it
- It is a life and it is not okay to kill it
- It is not a life and it is ok to “kill” it
- It is not a life but it's not okay to “kill” it
Now, let's look at numbers three and
four by catagorizing an unborn child as a “non-life.” If I truly
believed that, then making women look at the “spot of blood” or
whatever they say it is, before terminating it is not even close to
evil. It would be equivilant to hiring a gardener to come pull my
weeds and before he begins he shows me pictures of the weeds.... I'm
not moved at that point. IF, on the other hand, I hire someone to
throw a grenade through a bedroom window for no reason whatsoever,
and he shows me pictures of a young girl that sleeps in that room,
there is a chance that I will A) change my mind, or B) allow the man
to continue with the job I paid him to do and feel an intense amount
of mental anguish. Although the only evil that was carried out in
those analogies is the part where an innocent young girl dies, Joy
doesn't call that evil. She said showing the pictures is evil. Why?
Well she either sees A) The fact that I choose not to kill the girl
or B) The mental anguish the pictures caused me after I choose to
have the young girl killed, as being evil.
Although it helps her own credibility,
and mental state of mind, to tell herself and others that it is not a
human being inside of a woman, she knows that it is. In fact,
everyone knows that the life inside of a woman is a human life. If it
wasn't there would be no need to abort (to terminate, implies that
something has begun). Just look at the arguments for abortion, the
CHILD will have health defects. The CHILD will not grow up in a good
home. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of why. Why do we allow
these insane arguments of a womans right to choose to kill over
another humans right to live? When has choice ever trumped life? In
fact, when does choice trump any other right? It doesn't. In
principle, our system of freedom allows us to choose how we live our
life unless it infringes on ANY other right, principle among them is
life. I can choose to own a car UNLESS I choose to have YOUR car.
Why? because your right to property trumps my right to choose. I
have a right to own a gun. It's even legal to shoot that gun. When I
run into trouble is when I choose to shoot a gun in the direction of
a human being. Why? Because life trumps choice.
The only possible way that people can't
see through such hollow arguments such as a womans right to chose, a
womans reproductive rights, and “it's my body” is if we are
deliberately covering our eyes to the truth. First of all, if you
choose to inject poison or insert a vacuum or hanger or whater it
happens to be into your body, I would strongly discourage it, but
your right, it's your body. That is not the issue however. The issue
is that you're killing someone. It baffles me that I have to even say
this. I really do hope that nobody actually takes the “It's my
body” and the “Womens rights” arguments seriously. How about
the 2,000 women that are killed every day in the abortion genocide
just in America alone? I don't hear the feminists crying for their
rights. As for your “reproductive rights” I have no problem with
your right to reproduce. See how many pro-life people stop you from
having a baby... Not one! That shoots that baseless argument dead
right there. Nobody is against your right to reproduce, some,
however, are against your choice to have sex and then kill your child because you were just in it for the fun, not a baby.
A few more points by Alisha: A vaginal ultrasound is definitely ridiculously less invasive to a woman's body than an abortion. I also don't get people's justification that their baby is not alive when they are indeed searching for the heartbeat before they destroy the baby through abortion.
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